Emergency Snow Removal

New Jersey averages annual snowfall anywhere from 15” in the south to 50+” in the northern parts of the state.  That is a LOT of snow!  While we may all enjoy watching the snow fall, we guarantee your commercial or industrial roof is not so happy about it.

Part of the problem with snow is the weight. First, weight depends on the type of snow.  Light fluffy flakes weigh less than dense wet flakes.  So, using an “average” snowflake (if there is such a thing), a mid-range snowfall will weigh around 1.04 lbs. per square foot per inch of snowfall.

Doing some math, if you have a 5,000sf commercial/industrial roof and have 2’ of snow sitting atop, 2.08 lbs. has been added to every square foot of roof.  That’s an extra 10,200 pounds on your roof! To put it even more starkly, you have over 5 tons of weight sitting there.

Snow Damage Concerns

The presence of a lot of snow on your commercial or industrial roof causes several different roofing concerns.

Stress. We have already seen how snow accumulation can add weight to your roof structure.  This additional weight adds stress to the building itself. There is a base assumption there that the roof is flat, and the weight is spread out equally. In truth, no roof is 100% flat so the weight will be uneven, with more weight in lower areas.

Ice.  As temperatures remain low ice develops.  First, 1” of ice weighs about 5 lbs. per square foot.  Second, ice forms solid barriers.  These barriers can develop into ice dams that may block gutters or other water removal systems.

Temperature fluctuations.  As temperatures fluctuate with the normal freeze/thaw cycle, your roofing system is being forced to expand and contract with those fluctuations. Over time the stress of this constant movement can result in the development of cracks, fissures, or tears in the waterproofing roofing system.

Impacted Performance.  Depending on how your business is set up, you may have telecommunications equipment, solar panels, or other important pieces of equipment on your roof surface. None of these will perform optimally with a heavy layer of snow present.

How Can We Help?

Most commercial or industrial roofs are built with a moderate amount of snowfall anticipated. These aren’t the problem.  The concern occurs when an unexpectedly high level of snow accumulates quickly.

When that occurs, the snow and its associated risks need to be removed quickly. It is for this reason that New Heights Roofing has opted to offer emergency snow removal services to our commercial and industrial clients.

Removing the excess snow quickly and proficiently is paramount to ensuring your business remains well-protected, so please call us the next time you have a need for this important protective service. We are here to help at 908-319-5952.